This study finds the gap between existing literature and searches related to air pollution,
what are the effects and challenges facing by Pakistan. This study will critically evaluate
the existing data and will give the possible policies. Pakistan’s air pollution level has
become hazardous due to immense use of private cars and uncontrollable emissions from
the industries. The institute for health metrics and evaluation found that air pollution was
the most common environmental or occupational cause of death and disability in Pakistan
in 2017 and the fifth most common cause overall.
Additionally, the emission of various air pollutants, including greenhouse gases, is
anticipated to significantly rise as economic growth and energy demands rise. There is very
less stations and data on healthcare statistics available. Air pollution and health problems
are directly linked, according to a comprehensive literature review. It is found by World
Bank that Pakistan has crossed deaths rate and it has reached 20,000 premature deaths.
Over the past two decades, major air pollutants are rising reportedly in Pakistan especially
in Lahore. On addition, there are different studies which have found out that Pakistan has
crossed limits of harmful pollutants in air. In 2019, in a major city like Lahore PM2.5
concentrations crossed the limits of national standards, according to measurements. There
are also studies which noted the side effects of these pollutants.
This study is to find out the harmful pollutants and its effects by studying the existing
literature and finding gaps. Also finding out the what the policy makers are doing in
Pakistan regarding making policies on health issues and air quality