The main aim of this project is to highlight the importance of the concept of servicecape
for consumers while they are shopping from bakery. Currently in Pakistani context only
few studies are available on this topic, hence it is very important for business and especially
for the Bakery businesses. But these are business are not much aware of servicecape so this
project is designed to highlight the importance of servicecape and provide the valuable
insights regarding the servicecape so that management of Cakes and Bakes properly
manage the servicecape to build a strong relationship with the customers. In this project
we use the qualitative method and conduct a thematic analysis. First of all, we developed
themes according to our topics and then we conducted interviews with the customers of
Cakes and Bakes. The main goal of these interviews is to identify these themes and gain
the perspective of different customers about the servicecape. Moreover, what sort of feeling
do they have and what they feel if there is any change in servicecape. So, the result of this
project highlights the importance of servicecape according to the different perspectives of
customers and provides valuable insights for the management of Cakes and Bakes.