Influencer marketing on Instagram can be considered a type of word-of-mouth marketing that can
assist brands in gaining loyal customers (Veissi, 2017). One of the key advantages of Instagram is
to be able to connect with the users all over the world and especially people who are living life out
large and sharing what they're doing every day with their followers It allows brands to reach an
engaged audience, introduce their brand, and start building relationships with potential customers
(Later, 2020). However, there are challenges associated with influencer marketing on Instagram.
The credibility of the influencer is a critical factor in the success of influencer marketing on
Instagram. Credibility refers to the degree to which an influencer is perceived as trustworthy,
knowledgeable, and appealing by their followers (Lou & Yuan, 2019). The credibility of an
influencer can impact their followers' attitudes and behaviors towards both the influencer and the
brand being promoted (Belanche et al., 2021). This study aims to address this research gap by
proposing and testing a conceptual model that examines the impact of digital influencers'
credibility on consumer purchase intention and brand attitude on Instagram among users based in
Lahore to provide valuable insights to marketing managers