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Work From Home and Organization Sustainable Performance: Evidence from Software Houses in Punjab

Show simple item record Shahid, Sadaf 2022-08-18T10:12:24Z 2022-08-18T10:12:24Z 2022-08-18
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effect of Technical Support and Perceived Organizational Support on the relationship of Work From Home and Organizations Sustainable Performance. The research design adopted for this study was cross-sectional and it comes under Quantitative research technique. The IT industry of Pakistan in the Punjab region was taken as Population in this study. The major reason behind selecting the IT sector was the presence of the highest number of remote workers in this field i.e. 60% of employees working in the IT sector are remote workers. The survey includes data from 150 employees of Software Houses including both Male and Female respondents belonging to managerial cadre. Non-probability sampling technique was used. The data was collected through online Google forms circulated through social media portal i.e. LinkedIn. Three hypotheses were tested based on the constructed model. Warp PLS software was used to analyze the hypothesis and to run multiple statistical tests. This study delineated that there is a significant positive relationship between Work From Home and Organizations Sustainable Performance. Results also confirm that Technical Support for remote work and Perceived Organizational Support moderates the relationship between Work From Home and Organizations Sustainable Performance. The findings of this research fully support this statement. Employees like to have flexible/remote work settings that eventually add up to their positive perception of the organization. Cumulatively, companies that adopt Work From home as a managerial strategy create a favorable environment for their employees that leads to the organization's sustainable performance in the long run. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Management Sciences COMSATS University Lahore en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries FA19-RPM-004;7669
dc.subject Work From Home, Organization Sustainable Performance, Technical Support for remote work and Perceived Organizational Support en_US
dc.title Work From Home and Organization Sustainable Performance: Evidence from Software Houses in Punjab en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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  • Thesis - MS / PhD
    This collection containts the Ms/PhD thesis of the studetns of Department of Management Sciences

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