Cloud computing (CC) provides storage and computation capability to perform resource intensive Machine Learning (ML) tasks for prediction and decision making. However, cloud
services can introduce latency and bandwidth limitations while transmitting data to a remote
cloud. Cloudlets are deployed as stand-alone devices at the network edge to bring computation
in the closer proximity of users to address cloud computing challenges. Moreover, cloudlets
have insufficient resources to train these resource-intensive deep learning models. Therefore,
deployment of cloudlet federation can resolve latency, storage, computation, and bandwidth
limitations by offloading tasks to a cloudlet within the federation. The selection of a deep
learning model to reduce communication and computation cost is a challenge, as cloudlets are
not context-aware in terms of network load and latency in the cloudlet federation. Moreover,
deep learning model accuracy and prediction results can be affected if end-user devices are
unreliable and provide incorrect data for training deep learning models at cloudlets.
A cloudlet federation based novel solution is discussed in this thesis for Federated Learning
(FL) that monitors network load and resources using a broker. The broker is a centralized entity
that will reside within the federation and the global model will be stored inside the broker to
make localized decision. COVID-19 X-ray images are used to train the model. The data is
divided into 70% training and 30% validation data sets. Besides cloudlets broker will have its
dataset to check the validation accuracy of the global model. The sampling data and network
parameters such as available storage will be used to extract a context-aware local model for
each cloudlet from the generic model. The local model will be converged using Root Mean
Square Proportional (RMSProp) based on the mean squared error loss function as it provides
higher training accuracy, irrespective of training data size. Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) is used in this thesis with 6 layers for classification of data, one average pooling layer,
a dense and a dropout layer. The trained model on each cloudlet is sent to the broker for
aggregation. Two aggregation methods are proposed in the thesis. The first one uses the layer
aggregation method and the second one is based on the best model selection. Vertical Federated
Learning (VFL) is used for model training. Experiments with method one gives a model
accuracy of 86% and loss is 14%. However, the best model selection method generates a model x
accuracy of 96% and a loss of 15%. Total time taken for model convergence using conventional
FL architecture is approximately 30 minutes. However, the designed architecture takes
approximately 28 minutes for completion of global epochs. Based on the results obtained it can
be concluded that the designed testbed can identify COVID-19 infected person using X-ray
image or CT-Scan with 86% accuracy using FedAvg algorithm and with 96% accuracy using
best model selection