External communication not only effects customers who are considered as external target
group but also effects the employee’s as internal target group, the effects of
communications transmitted through external sources related to employees in management
of the internal brand consequences remains limited in research of internal brand
Accordingly, this study proposed to seek out the effects of external communication on
internal brand management outcomes such as employees brand knowledge, brand
commitment and brand citizenship behaviour. The empirical study collect data from the
316 employees of commercial banks across the different cities of provision Punjab
Pakistan, who identify that how external communication congruence in line with actual
products and services, actual values and internal communication, and will contribute to
understand the effects either positive or negative in internal brand management outcomes
with the strongest effect of brand knowledge. The study indicates that how single practices
of organizations can address the stakeholders internally and externally, and how it can
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of external communication. Managers are the one
who can represent the promises of brand effectively which are communicated through
external sources, make sure that organization’s actual values are aligned with the values
which are being portray by the external communications. And most important they have to
avoid overestimation and false information generated regarding the brand. Furthermore,
little contribution of study will offer the guideline for more researches in managerial