The purpose of this research is to study the impact of Supportive Work Environment on Employee Retention. Supportive Work Environment is presented through three of its components; Perceived Organizational support, Supervisory Support and Perceived Climate. Furthermore, the effect is tested through moderation of Perceived Organizational Politics in banks, specifically in Lahore. This study is based on quantitate data approach. Survey questionnaires were used to collect data from 250 banks in Lahore. Using SPSS and PLS, this research elaborated the relationship between Supportive Work Environment and Employee Retention. Cronbach's alpha was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire. The current study makes a valuable addition by examining the moderating effects of organizational politics in a relationship between supportive work environment and employee retention. The results show that there is positive relationshiopo between some variables i.e. relationship of Perceived Climate anad Supervisory Relationship with Retention. The results also revealed that moderation exists between Perceived Organizational Support and Retention. The findings of this study have theoretical implications of Supportive Work environment in relation with Employee Retention as it covers the scope of different retention factors. It is supposed that this research will contribute towards literature positively, extending scope to banking sector, and will provide ways for further studies on this topic. Thus, findings of this research will be helpful for the organizations and policy makers.