In this study, electrolyte was fabricated for solid oxide fuel cells. Alkaline (Ba, Ca, Sr) coated samarium doped
ceria and gadolinium doped ceria electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cell was prepared successfully. All of these
samples were prepared by co- precipitation method. These materials give better results and produce more
oxygen ions vacancies which enhance the oxidation reduction reaction.
The synthesized material characterized by using Raman Spectroscopy, Uv-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction
and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Raman spectra show vibration modes and the structure of
materials particles. Raman analysis of samples was done from 700- 900 °C. These results showed the strong
peak of cerium oxide in range of 450 to 470nm and the weak intense peak representing oxygen ion vacancies.
It tells about which type of shifting occurring in prepared material. In all prepared materials, there is blue
shifting and wavelength is decreasing which show that particles size is decreasing. In UV-Vis spectroscopy
result demonstrated the band gap values which ranges from 1eV to 2.5eV. With the help of XRD compositions
and structure was confirmed, which is found to be cubic. EIS tells about the ionic and electronic behavior of
materials. EIS tells about ohmic resistance, polarization resistance and total resistance of the material. EIS tells
about charge transfer and mass transfer in material. The conductivity of materials can be calculated with the
help of EIS, which is found to be 0.005Scm-1 at 550°C.