This study delves into the book Usman T. Malik’s Midnight Doorways: Fables from
Pakistan, highlighting the fusion of magical realism and postmodernism. It underscores
the transformative capacity of literature in reshaping cultural frameworks within the
Pakistani setting. This study explores the symbiotic link between the two, shedding light
on how Malik skillfully integrates the imaginative elements of magical realism with the
fragmented narrative structures that are emblematic of postmodernism. This study
employs a multidisciplinary framework that integrates magical realism and
postmodernism to examine the manner in which this amalgamation challenges existing
conventions and transcends conventional boundaries within the domain of literature. Malik’s narrative creativity not only enhances modern literature, but also offers a novel
perspective on the cultural dynamics and societal viewpoints. This research examines the
role of Malik’s literary works in exploring the intricate dynamics of identity, memory, and power in the Pakistani setting. To accomplish this objective, an analysis is conducted
on the narrative strategies and thematic considerations employed by Malik in his written
works. The present analysis is conducted in a manner that offers an amalgamation of
magical realism and postmodernism. Furthermore, the analysis delves into the socio- cultural consequences of Malik's narrative decisions, emphasizing the importance of
storytelling in shaping society conversations and challenging dominant narratives. This
study aims to enhance the comprehension of the complex interplay between storytelling, cultural representation, and societal discourse within the realm of modern literature. My
research contributes to the broader conversation regarding the points where magical
realism and postmodernism int