The disappearance of all minors of a specific size in a r × s matrix indicates determinantal
varieties. “Essential isolated determinantal singularities (EIDS)” are a special class of de-
terminantal variations that were created by Ebeling and Zade in 2009. Pereira demonstrated
that, for all 1 ≤ k ≤ min {r, s} the determinantal variety Zk = A−1 (Mk
) is an essential iso-
lated determinantal singularities (EIDS) iff A : (Cn, 0) → Mrs is ¯G -finitely determined. A
¯G -finite determinacy is generally held, as demonstrated by Ahmad and Ruas. The goal of
this study is to identify normal forms of EIDS for the map germs A : U ⊂ Cn → Mrs.