In today’s digital driven world customers demand immersive online shopping experience.
Also, recent global lockdowns made online shopping convenient and a necessity.
Traditional 2D online platforms present products, especially clothing, in a constrained
manner, leading to uncertainties in fit, look, and style. A 3D virtual mall, equipped with a
try-on feature, presents an innovative solution. The purpose of the proposed project is to
design a 3D model of a comprehensive shopping mall that has virtual try-on feature for
clothes stores. This will break down conventional barriers as users can digitally choose and
wear clothing items. This will provide a more engaging and interactive shopping
experience to users. The model will server mirror to realism of physical shopping and also
enhance it by integrating cutting-edge graphics rendering and augmented reality
technology. It provides users with an innovative way to visualize how clothing items would
fit and appear on them in real-time.