The widespread use of mobile devices by children in the digital era raises many concerns about
the well-being of children. In this report, the negative impact of excessive usage of mobile and
screens on mental and physical health is investigated. The study specifically explores the
relationship between extended screen time and increased risks of anxiety, depression, attention
deficits, sedentary behavior, childhood obesity, and disturbed sleep patterns using quantitative
analysis and a review of the literature. Parents need to balance screen time and physical
activities that are very important for children's health and growth, for example, sports, social
interaction, and outdoor activities. Additionally, it’s advisable to follow guidelines for ageappropriate screen time limits for children, given by the World Health Organization. In
Pakistan, 87.35 million people used the internet at the beginning of 2023. There were also 191.8
million active mobile phone connections at the same time, which equates to 80.5 % of the
country's total population. In January 2023, 238.1 million people were living in Pakistan. At
the beginning of 2023, 36.7% of Pakistanis were using the internet. 12.6% of the population
falls between the ages of 1 and 4, while 19.3% falls between 5 and 12. It means more than ¼
of the population is in the development of their mental and physical phase. however, it’s
alarming that it is increasing daily, especially since children’s screen time is increasing and
physical activities are decreasing. so, with awareness campaigns, physical activities should be
encouraged then excessive Screen time automatically decreases, mental and physical health
issues too