Dementia is a devastating brain disease that affects millions of people worldwide, with Alzheimer's
and other kinds causing progressive cognitive deterioration. The condition that is marked by five
features such as deterioration in judgment, memory and conduct is a medical problem that is
excruciating for both patients and caretakers. Resources in the willingly provide community carefree
that will significantly burden families of the poor countries like Pakistan where resources are scarce.
No help can get provide to people affected by dementia because of the stigma attached to it. Pakistan
is the country threatening with growing an older population, insufficient health infrastructure and
low level of health understanding. Unfortunately, the need for it becomes higher and higher, while
the awareness and comprehension of this problem contributes the cultural views. The added social
expectation of ancestral care making becomes, while institutional care at the same time remains
stigmatized.Thus, in this study we intend to shed light on the challenges faced by dementia patients
and caregivers in Pakistan, the treatment of which being relied upon in other South Asian counts on
results of similar studies. It will endeavor to advance in the formulation of more relevant health
policies and support structures personalized to deal with challenges brought by dementia patients in
Pakistan through the process of educating and sensitizing.