Electronic component printing has quickly gained importance in the laboratory as well as in electronic devices and circuit boards, building their essential structure and including low-resistance circuit interconnects, antennas, and contact electrodes within transistors, among other things. Previously, photolithography, vacuum deposition, and electroless plating methods were used to make electrical devices. These approaches are timeconsuming and costly. Electrospray allows for a quick and cost-effective method of manufacturing electrical circuits using minimal material. Different qualities like as electrical conductivity, mechanical adhesion quality, and morphology are all determined by printed conductive patterns. In this study, Polyaniline was synthesis from a monomer Aniline through simple polymerization. A solution of silver nanowires were synthesized through polyol method and then mixed it with PEDOT:PSS ink in equal ratio. By using electrospray, a layer of PEDOT:PSS and mixture of composite ( PEDOT:PSS and Silver nanowire) deposited on glass substrate. A film of polyaniline deposits on both samples. SEM and UV-visible confirms the availability of Polyaniline. Parametric study of functional film by electrospray was also analyzed. Analyze effect of spray time, drying temperature and effect of flow rate at different voltage.