In this promised study, we have used the multi-fluid model to
investigate the instability of magnetosonic waves. Magnetosonic
waves are low frequency electromagnetic waves which propagate
across the applied magnetic field. These waves are longitudinal waves
which are induced by compressions and rarefactions of B0 rather than
the motion of charges along the electric field. A magnetosonic waves
propagate with Alfven speed and fall in the category of the
electromagnetic modes. We have considered the impact of thermal
pressure and the impact of radiation pressure. We have elaborated the
dispersion relation graphically for the case of semi-conductor plasmas
where electrons and holes are treated as two fluids. In the fluid model
the terms regarding radiation pressure have been incorporated in the
equation of motion to observe its impact on the magnetosonic waves
which when coupled with curl equation derived the dispersion
relation. For numerical analysis MATHEMATICA has been used.