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Radiation impact on acoustic waves in Semiconductor Plasmas

Show simple item record Sajjad, AASHAR 2022-08-19T10:19:44Z 2022-08-19T10:19:44Z 2022-08-19
dc.description.abstract In this thesis, we are discussing the radiation impact on acoustic wave that propagates along z-direction. The acoustic waves due to radiation impact are investigated using the classical multi-fluid approach in classical semiconductor plasma. The quantum effects are not considered in this work. Our model is applied to GaAs semiconductor plasmas. Dispersion relation of acoustic waves is calculated where the effects of the radiation modifies it. Numerically it is observed under different physical conditions, for example, on varying the thermal temperature values and plasma number density etc. For this study we are using multi fluid model. A set of fluid equations are applied to drive the dispersion relation. The said work is done qualitatively and quantitatively using MATHEMATICA en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Physics COMSATS University Lahore en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries SP20-RPH-016;7686
dc.subject radiation impact, investigated, semiconductor plasmas, MATHEMATICA. en_US
dc.title Radiation impact on acoustic waves in Semiconductor Plasmas en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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  • Thesis - MS / PhD
    This collection containts the Ms/PhD thesis of the studetns of Department of Management Sciences

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