Electrostatic modes can widely be categorized as acoustic and hybrid waves. We have
studied the excitation of electrostatic, comparatively low frequency volume waves,
lower-hybrid waves (LHWs) in semiconductor plasma by using a hydrodynamic model.
The Hydrodynamic Model consisting upon fluid equations namely momentum balance
equation, equation of continuity and the Poisson’s equation have used to study the
physical properties and characteristics of semiconductor plasmas consisting upon
electron and holes. Radiation pressure is considered as an exciting source in
semiconductor plasma systems. For analytical examination of the linear dispersion
relation, we elucidated the fluid equations for semiconductor plasmas. In this thesis, for
semiconductor plasmas, we have analyzed the LHWs in the presence of radiation
pressure, the thermal effects upon plasma species, in addition to the external magnetic
field. For numerical analysis, we have used the assistance of Mathematica or MATLAB