People interpret the term "micro world" in a variety of ways. The surface-to-volume relationship is defined as the intermediary between atoms and solids. When chemists first introduced nanotechnology, no one knew what it was. They used physicists to alter the structures.
Richard Feynman, a physicist, was awarded a Nobel prize for his contributions to nanotechnology in 1959. After winning the Nobel Prize for his amazing invention, the Noble Prize laureate declared during an American Physical Society meeting that "there is plenty of room at the bottom."
Biology has traditionally been molecular, with important multidisciplinary study areas such as DNA, protein, and cellular machinery. The nanoworld idea is founded on the convergence of a genuine scientific or technological combination. Despite the fact that the wave-corpuscle duality-based principles of quantum physics are not clearly apparent. With the exception of semiconductors and lasers. Quantum effects will be applied in a variety of applications in the future.
"Nano-Technology is a science, engineering, and technology that takes place on the nanoscale, which ranges from 1 to 10 nanometers." A billionth of a meter, or 10-9 of a meter, is one nanometer, which is difficult to comprehend.
The capacity to observe and manipulate individual atoms and molecules is required. Atoms make up everything on the planet. However, seeing a nanometer-sized object with the naked eye is impossible. As a result, microscopes such as the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM).