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Investigation of Catalytic Effect on Anode Material at Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

Show simple item record MARIYAM, MUNAZZA 2021-11-11T10:37:11Z 2021-11-11T10:37:11Z 2021-11-11
dc.description.abstract The world's largest single drain is the energy problem. To avoid carbon dioxide emissions, which cause global warming and climate change, the world is moving toward renewable energy sources. Because of its great efficiency and minimal emissions, solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are one of the best solutions for energy production. solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is the best option Because of the fuel flexibility and cost-effective anode materials features. The structural and electrochemical properties of anode materials with configuration of X0.1Zn0.45Ti0.45 oxide (where X = Ni, Cu, Fe,) have been examined in this current investigation. The proposed anode materials X0.1Zn0.45Ti0.45 oxide have been unify through sol-gel technique. The doping impact of Cu, Ni, and Fe on TiZn oxides were examine in respect of electronic conduction and power density in hydrogen environment at similarly low temperature in the range of 600°C. Four-probe DC conductivity method was utilized to quantify the conductivity of the anode materials and most extreme electrical conductivity. The four-probe method is used to determine conductivity. Using iron as a catalyst at temperatures of 600°C and 550°C, maximum conductivity of Cu0.1Zn0.45Ti0.45 oxide was found to be 12.56 S/cm and 8.695 S/cm. The band gap and absorption spectra were discover by ultra-violet visible (UV–Visible). The purity of nanoparticles is measured by the FTIR spectrum, which provides information about an infrared spectrum of absorption or emission. They give the bonding of molecular structure and chemical composition of the material. Xrd is use to study crystallographic structure of anode material. Crystalline size was found by schere’s equation. The level of structural flaws and the crystalline nature of the material were confirmed using Raman spectroscopy. The findings suggest that the developed (X=Ni,Cu,Fe) is a suitable catalyst of anode material for SOFCs en_US
dc.publisher Department of Physics, COMSATS University, Lahore. en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries ;7239
dc.subject catalytic effect, anode material, low temperature, solid oxide fuel cell en_US
dc.title Investigation of Catalytic Effect on Anode Material at Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell en_US

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  • MS & PhD Thesis
    This collection contains MS and PhD thesis of Physics department

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