In our research, we worked for self gravitating system to evaluate stellar in terior’s possibilities. For this we describe an anisotropic matter distribution ,
which is based on the Rastall’s theory of gravity with the help of minimal geo metric deformation approach. As the minimal coupling matter principle is bro ken down by the Rastall’s gravity, hence we have to provide an exhaustive ex planation. This explanation deals with Israel-Darmois junction conditions and
how it works in this pattern. Further, we have obtained the deformed space time and use the procedure of mimic constraints. For checking the viability of
any proposal, the results has been applied to any well known solution. So as
we do. We use famous Tolman VII solution, to check the viability. The whole
description of thermodynamical effects presented by the additional sources in
mentioned. In addition, we have compared the results with their similes in the
shadow of pure general relativity, pure Rastall’s gravity and, also in the struc ture of general relativity which includes "gravitational decoupling". For mathe matical and graphical analysis we take α i.e., gravitational decoupling constant
and λ i.e., parameter of Rastall as free parameter. The compactness factor which
describes the general relativity is taken as 0.2. Besides, in order to get more
realistic picture, it requires to bound the parameters α and λ both through the
use of real observational data to get the limits of the theory under this model.
This methodology suggested to study the applications of neutron and quark
stars. Our work also deals with the extended minimal geometric deformation.
ixIn this section we check how temporal component effects the value of total en ergy density, total redial and tangential pressure, anisotropy of pressure, energy
conditions and stability conditions. For this we again use famous Tolman VII
solution for the values of ν and µ and check the results. The metric potential
of this solution is in the form of exponent, hence we use the rules function (ln)
to get the suitable values of components. This section show very interesting
results as we will discuss in chapter 3 in detail.