This dissertation analyses Gulwali Passarly’s the Lightless Sky to highlight the
atrocities of migrants who do not have a voice. Under the vernacular of Cultural Identity
theory by Jane Collier and Thomas Millat, this study presents a sharp contrast of
cultural effects on the personality of migrant before and after migration. Textual
analysis has used as a research method to interpret and analyze the text. The researcher
has used a close reading and language analysis technique for this purpose. The study
delineates the hope of salvation for a child refugee, and the sequential events of
migration reveal the reshaping of cultural identity.
The results of the study conclude that Gulwali Passarly’s character presents that
how Cultural identity reshapes under several cultural influences and thus reveals the
sufferings, emotions, pains, brutality of power, expressions, pitiable conditions, truths
and challenges knitted with the words in the given genre of migration discourse