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Resource Creation and Evaluation of Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis in Urdu

Show simple item record Rani, Sadaf 2021-06-04T07:49:13Z 2021-06-04T07:49:13Z 2021-06-04
dc.description.abstract Sentiment analysis is an emerging research area of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Along with the rise of people generated content on social sites, sentiment analysis has gained more importance. One of the challenging tasks of sentiment analysis is Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA). ABSA is a task of identifying the sentiment at aspect level. Right now, mostly researchers have focused on the English language but very less attention on resource poor languages like Urdu, Arabic etc. To the best of our knowledge, there is no publicly available dataset on ABSA in Urdu language. In this study, we focused on the resource creation for the task of ABSA in Urdu language. This task is further divided into four subtasks i.e., Aspect Term, Aspect Term Polarity, Aspect Category and Aspect Category Polarity. Our dataset is comprised of 6672 sentences which are collected form twitter using Twitter API’s. For annotation, we prepared standard guidelines which are according to the SemEval. Evaluation is also performed by extracting n gram features at word level and char level. TF-IDF vectorizer is used to vectorize the data into machine readable form. Then we applied different machine learning algorithms. Experiments are performed by Naïve Bayes (NB), support Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF) and performance is measured by four parameters i.e., accuracy, precision, recall, f1 measure. We achieved 71% accuracy in Aspect Term task, 61% in Aspect Category, 74% in Aspect Term Polarity and 80% in Aspect Category Polarity The evaluation results depict that there is need to do more work in this task. We provided baseline evaluation for researcher community to further compare their results of ABSA systems en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries ;6412
dc.subject esource Creation and Evaluation of Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis in Urdu en_US
dc.title Resource Creation and Evaluation of Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis in Urdu en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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  • Thesis - MS / PhD
    This collection containts the Ms/PhD thesis of the studetns of Department of Management Sciences

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