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Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Study of Silver Doped Manganese Ferrite Nanocomposites

Show simple item record HUSSAIN, BABAR 2021-01-14T05:41:31Z 2021-01-14T05:41:31Z 2021-01-13
dc.description.abstract Magnetic materials such as ferrites are substances that come crossways in powder form and ceramic based material with ferromagnetic properties attained via iron oxides (IO), their foremost components are Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 and further can be doped by transition metals and metal oxide nanomaterials . The ferrites and metallic doped ferrites are mentioned as magnetic materials and have various applications such as photocatalysis, drug carrier in cancer treatment, hydrogen production and electronic expedients. Among the various ferrites, manganese ferrite (MnFe2O4) has superior and distinct magnetic, physical and chemical properties leading to numerous biomedical applications. The statistics showed that antibacterial toxicity mostly is influenced by particle size and concentration. The magnetic materials were shown enough potential in antimicrobial activity against various microorganisms and based on these properties that materials can further be used in numerous biomedical applications. Therefore, in present research work, efforts will be carried out by making the nanocomposite of silver doped manganese ferrite NPs to enhancement in the bactericidal action. Silver based nanomaterial and its composites for example AgMnFe2O4 in a biological point of view require an detailed origination with outstanding antibacterial properties with decline toxicity quality and morphological evaluations of these materials is as yet appealing test for future interest. Here, in this experimental work, we have synthesized and characterized Ag-MnFe2O4 by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Uv-Vis spectroscopy, Field emission scanning electron microscopy FESEM, for morphological and essential study. Toxicity of Ag-MnFe2O4 nanocomposite was surveyed by means of methyl-thiazole-tetrazolium (MTT) measure, and morphological changes realize Ag-MnFe2O4 in Escherichia coli (E.coli) investigated by confocal checking electron microscopy with magnification of ×40. The toxicity of Ag-MnFe2O4 nanoparticle was assessed by estimating the degree of misfortune in cell viability (%) in dose dependent which caused the cell destruction in apoptotic/necrotic way. The reason of bacterial death due oxidative pressure trigger by reactive oxygen species (ROS) expressed potential role of Ag-MnFe2O4 for enhancement of antimicrobial activity of E coli as an effective antibacterial specialist. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Synthesis en_US
dc.subject Characterization and Antibacterial Study en_US
dc.subject Silver Doped Manganese en_US
dc.subject Nanocomposites en_US
dc.subject Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 en_US
dc.subject MnFe2O4 en_US
dc.subject X-ray diffraction (XRD) en_US
dc.subject Uv-Vis spectroscopy en_US
dc.subject methyl-thiazole-tetrazolium (MTT) en_US
dc.title Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Study of Silver Doped Manganese Ferrite Nanocomposites en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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  • MS & PhD Thesis
    This collection contains MS and PhD thesis of Physics department

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