Stock market is a risky environment where many factors can directly or indirectly impact on stock index. These factors are mainly responsible for the fluctuation of stock prices such as industry performance, investor’s sentiments, and economic factors to name a few. This project is intended to provide an awareness to customer for stock predictions of certain companies. Stocks are selected and evaluated at day end and then machine-learning techniques/models are applied to predict whether it is recommended to invest or not. The objective of this project is to generate a recommendation system for small investors and to generate the alert for the large investors in case of any uphill’s/downhills in the prices of the market. Accuracy of results is the most important factor in the prediction systems. Prediction in stock market is very challenging as there is no defined rule to predict/estimate the current market trend. Because of this limitation, many existing methodologies such as text analysis, statistical modeling, fundamental analysis, multiple linear regression will neither work accurately nor produce acceptable results.
Although aforementioned methodologies are functioning well in dealing with small data but their limitation is they are unable to deal with large data stored in stock industry. Due to these limitations, the methodology used to create the prediction system is artificially created neural networks. Significant features of stock market that have largest impact on stock prices are selected, then extract their features from big data to predict the fluctuations through neural network algorithm “backward propagation method” to achieve accuracy. The importance of using neural networks are good in dealing with sequences and time intervals and can make good predictions on the data like weather, stock return prices. The main objective of this project is to predict the currencies entails cryptocurrency, oil prices, gold, and some large companies of U.S stock market. These critical share markets cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy because of indefinite real-time constraints, but our designed models can be trained which give a good idea to user for investment time, holding or jump out time of investments.