The present research has been conducted on “Hegelian Master-Slave Dialectic and its Manifestation in Toni Morrison Novel A Mercy”. In this study, the researcher aims to look at Hegel’s Master-Slave Dialectic and its application and manifestation in Toni Morrison’s novel A Mercy. The master and the slave come into contact In order to be recognized by each other driven by desire or begirede. The ultimate objective of the slave is to get independence with the agency of labor. The role of the slave is to provide productive things out of raw material to please his master. Through his constant labor and hard work the true potential of the slave reveals and he strives to be independent from the chains of slavery. However, when this Hegelian dialectic of master-slave is applied on the main protagonist Florens, it was exposed that Florens could not get self-consciousness or recognition from the symbolic masters rather the treatment she received from her masters shattered her identity and divided her soul. It was also revealed that scars and traumatic experience of racism, paternalism and ingrained slavery in the society impeded Florens to get freedom and self-consciousness. Her subjectivity was taken away and she reduced to mere an object. However, the blacksmith’s rejection paved the way for her to reflect on her life journey. At this juncture she realized the catastrophic ramifications of slavery and consequences to give her in the dominion of other.