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Strong Estimations of Information Inequalities

Show simple item record Fatima, Tehreem 2024-12-02T15:26:52Z 2024-12-02T15:26:52Z 2024-12-02
dc.description.abstract We explore a specific subclass of convex functions that exhibit enhanced and superior char- acteristics, known as strong convex functions. By focusing on strong convexity, we revisit classical inequalities like Jensen’s and Hermite-Hadamard (HH) type inequalities. This ap- proach leads to more robust estimates and refinements of well-known divergence measures such as Kullback-Liebler (KL), χ2- and Jeffreys divergence, among others. Moreover, we extend our investigations to improving Riemann-Liouville HH ϒ-divergence inequal- ities specifically designed for strongly convex functions. These improvements serve as a foundation to bridge fractional information inequalities with recent significant research outcomes, providing valuable insights and connections within the field of mathematical analysis and information theory. We explore various novel bounds for Csiszar and related divergences and for Zipf-Mandelbrot entropy by means of Jensen-Mercer’s inequality via strongly convex function. en_US
dc.publisher Department of Mathematics COMSATS University Islamabad Lahore Campus en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries CIIT/FA22-RMT-013/LHR;9346
dc.subject specific, convex functions , superior char- acteristics, fractional information inequalities en_US
dc.title Strong Estimations of Information Inequalities en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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  • Thesis - MS / PhD
    This collection containts the Ms/PhD theses of the studetns of Mathematics Department

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