CUI Lahore Repository

Modulation Instability of Lower Hybrid Waves in Piezoelectric Semiconductor Plasma

Show simple item record Fatima, Sumreen 2021-11-11T10:55:23Z 2021-11-11T10:55:23Z 2021-11-11
dc.description.abstract In this thesis, we have discussed the piezoelectric effect on linear and non-linear coupling and constructed Zakharov and Schrödinger equation. Longmuir and lattice ion waves propagating in the semiconductor plasma. For this semi-classical model has been used. In the linear regime, coupling of waves was not relevant. Therefore, we studied the non-linear the coupling a set of Zakharov and Schrödinger equations were constructed. This coupling leads to the cusp type of solitons. We have also studied modulation instability for this system of plasma. Later, we constructed the Zakharov and Schrödinger equation for the modulation instability of the lower hybrid wave propagated in quantum plasma. Later, we also discussed cusp soliton for the lower hybrid waves where Bohm potential, spin Fermi pressures, and piezoelectricity is incorporated. These equations have numerically been examined for the typical n-type piezoelectric semiconductor plasma parameters. en_US
dc.publisher Department of Physics, COMSATS University, Lahore. en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries ;7242
dc.subject Modulation Instability, Lower Hybrid Waves, Piezoelectric Semiconductor Plasma en_US
dc.title Modulation Instability of Lower Hybrid Waves in Piezoelectric Semiconductor Plasma en_US

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  • MS & PhD Thesis
    This collection contains MS and PhD thesis of Physics department

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