In this thesis, we have comparatively studied of fundamental mode by Using
Boltzmann-Vlasov Kinetic model, a current less kinetic instability such as ion acoustic and dust-acoustic using non-Maxwellian distribution. The growth rate and
the real frequency are calculated by using kappa (k) and generalized (r, q)
distribution and result are compared with those of Maxwellian distribution. In an
electrons-ions plasma following a non-Maxwellian generalized distribution function
kappa (k) and (r, q), as shown a kinetic instability of ion-acoustic mode exist.
In a three species (electrons, ions, dust) plasma following a non-Maxwellian
generalized kappa (k) and (r, q) distribution function, as shown that a kinetic
instability of dust-acoustic mode exists.
The threshold instability is affected when such (quasineutral) plasma permeates
through another stationary plasma. Such case is of interest when a pure plasma (solar
wind) is permeating through the cometary plasma in the presence of dust particles.
In the limits of phase velocity of the waves larger and smaller than the thermal
velocity of dust particles, the dispersion properties and the growth rate of kinetic
instabilities are investigated.
It is noted that in the limits of spectral indices r = 0 and q→∞ for generalized (r, q)
distribution and k→∞ for kappa (k) distribution, the non-Maxwellian function
reduce to Maxwellian