Solar cooking technology is a global response to poverty and the humiliation of climate, but very little work is conducted into the effect of using solar ovens on biomass fuel consumption. We design a solar oven/ cooker. The solar oven/cooker highly dependent on sunlight. It can cook or fried various things decently. This study evaluates the use of solar ovens and wood consumption in both rainy and dry seasons in northern Nicaragua, using surveys, temperature data loggers, and direct fuel wood use measurement.
Owners of solar ovens recorded 79 percent use during the dry season and 41 percent of days during the rainy season. Oven temperature records recorded use during the dry season for 50 percent of days, and 16 percent of days during the rainy season. However, wood consumption measurements showed no statistically significant differences between days with solar furnace use and days without, suggesting that the frequency of use alone is not an appropriate proxy for fuel savings. Results of the survey suggest that, as opposed to replacing it, a large part of the use of solar furnaces came in addition to the cooking of biomass.
These results suggest a need to further study the consumption of wood in situ and focus more on the specific types of foods prepared in solar cookers, as well as local cultural and climate conditions.