CUI Lahore Repository

Study of Landau quantization effect over Jeans-Alfven Instability in Dense Plasmas

Show simple item record SHAHID, ZAHRA 2019-12-27T10:27:43Z 2019-12-27T10:27:43Z 2019-12-27
dc.description.abstract Quantum plasmas have gained significance due to its applications in magnetized/un-magnetized semiconductor and astrophysical plasmas. Quantum effects are usually incorporated through exchange and correlation potential, Bohm potential, Fermi degenerate pressure in the presence or absence of external magnetic field. The electromagnetic waves of low frequency are commonly known as Alfven waves. The modification in the electronic properties of materials as a function of the applied magnetic field are Landau quantization. Henceforth in this thesis studied the Landau Quantization effect over Jeans Instability in Dense Plasma. The self-gravitational or Jeans instability come to play due to the gravitational characteristics of massive species in plasmas. This thesis deals with two scales competing with each other. First, the gravitational time scale associated with massive particles called ion. Second, acoustic time scale. The source of acoustic scale is the lighter particles like electron fluid that exert acoustic pressure outward. If the two scales are comparable then the system will be at equilibrium. On other case, if the acoustic time scale is larger, then the gravitational collapse will take case and if the gravitational time scale is larger than the explosion will take place. In this work the comparative analysis of Jeans and quantum plasmas have analyzed under different conditions. In other words, the macroscopic effects evolved x from the microscopic quantum characteristics have contributed to modify the self-gravitational instability. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Physics, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore campus en_US
dc.subject Study of Landau quantization effect over Jeans-Alfven Instability in Dense Plasmas en_US
dc.title Study of Landau quantization effect over Jeans-Alfven Instability in Dense Plasmas en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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  • MS & PhD Thesis
    This collection contains MS and PhD thesis of Physics department

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